Over the course of four years, the project will tackle the unique challenge of achieving zero emissions in forestry operations, which are conducted in remote areas far from electrical grids and established energy infrastructure. The ZEFO project is dedicated to exploring and identifying the most efficient and effective energy solutions for the next generation of forestry machines.
In the forest value chain work in the forest is a major challenge in achieving zero emissions. Significant forces are required to harvest trees, which is done far from electrical grids and other energy infrastructure. Future forest machines are expected to be electric, but it is not obvious in what form energy should most appropriately be transported to workplaces in the forest. This project will answer this question by examining different energy carrier options.
The overarching goal of the project is to lay the foundation for efficient zero-emission forestry measures in remote areas.
The work will evaluate various system concepts for the forestry machine's energy system– supply, transfer, and final conversion – with regard to their potential in economic, environmental, and social aspects. Additionally, a testbed for the most promising system solution will be developed and demonstrated.
The project runs from the 1st of January 2024, to the 31st of December 2027, with support from the R&D program FFI (Strategic Vehicle Research and Innovation).
Contact persons in the project:
Komatsu Forest: Peter Assarsson - peter.assarsson@komatsuforest.com
Swedish University of Agricultural Science: Ola Lindroos - ola.lindroos@slu.se 090-786 86 36
Luleå University of Technology: Magnus Karlberg - magnus.karlberg@ltu.se 0920-492418