Arctic Off-Road Robotics Lab is specialized on mobile systems for work in unstructured environments. We conduct research by the use of a unique infrastructure with, for instance, a mobile research facility and a large terrain-going and crane-equipped experimental platform. Research and development for the future’s autonomous forestry is an important part of the AORO’s work.
AORO is a co-operation between Luleå University of Technology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Skogstekniska klustret (the Cluster of Forest Technology).
Luleå university of technology, Machine Design
Magnus Karlberg, Professor
Håkan Lideskog, Assistant Professor
Torbjörn Lindbäck, Assistant Professor
Mattias Lehto, PhD candidate
Saira Latif, PhD candidate
Songyu Li, PhD candidate
SIRIUS – students year 2014 & 2017
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Forest Biomaterials and Technology
Ola Lindroos, Professor
Omar Mendoza Trejo, PhD
Pedro La Hera, Associate Professor
The Cluster of Forest Technology
Linda Nyström, CEO